Primal Grill with Steven Raichlen, Volume One
Charcoal Companion SR8068 Features: -Primal grill with steven raichlen dvd. -Steven Raichlen collection. -Volume 1 of the sizzling PBS show. -Over 3 hours of deeper insight into the history of grilling. -With tips and recipes collected. -Dimensions: 0.01″ H x 4.72″ W x 4.72″ D. Steven Raichlen:
Quite good but I *much* prefer the cookbooks Quite good particularly for inspiration (DVD given as a present)- excellent recipes are usually also available on his website(s). However I much prefer several of his cookbooks,in particular: Sauces, Rubs and Marinades, along with The Barbecue! Bible and Planet Barbecue. We grade recipes in order to keep track of what we like and don’t like – I’d say literally 95% are in the A- to A+ range. His recipes seem to be exceptionally good. Also note they can be adapted for broiling followed by…